Interests! (Mobage) - Idolish7, Utapri, Twst, Enstars etc.Interests! (Non Mobage) - Otome Isekai/RoFan manhwa, Otome games, Rhythm games, Seiyuu, Free!, YTTD, Persona 5, HSR etc.

Faves! - Mitsuki Izumi, Momo, Touma Inumaru (i7) || Syo Kurusu, Nagi Mikado (Utapri) || Cater Diamond (Twst) || Nagisa Hazuki (Free!) || Midori Takamine (Enstars) etc.Favorite ships! - Nagimitsu (i7), Reigisa (Free!), Natsusyo (Utapri) etc.

- Might tweet about i7 spoilers sometimes! (Spoilers will be labeled, so no worries!)
- Mostly RT heavy!
- I swear a little too much sometimes (lol)
- I mostly type in caps lock and keyboard smashing
- I forget to respond a lot of the time, sorry ;;
- I use tone tags from time to time